martes, 11 de febrero de 2020

My world 2


            Anime & Cartoon... are not the same

Something that I love doing in my spare time is watching series, I watch series from many countries: American, Turkish, Korean, from all Latin America ..
But my favorite type of series is Anime; from Japan.
I know it is not with real characters and for many people it is like Cartoon but in Japan, but, although it is the same idea, the styles are very different.
For example, the caartoon comes from the comic, but the anime comes from the manga, in addition to the fact that the type of drawing is very different:
Resultado de imagen de cartoon and anime

And finally, the anime is focused on adult or teenage public in its majority, instead the Cartoon is mainly focused on all audiences or children, (clearly there are exceptions in both styles).

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My world 6

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